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Need to move a task to another project? Keep a separate archive of done tasks? You can move items quickly and easily in Zenkit. The easiest way to move items to another list is to use the drag-and-drop function in list view

Click on the item you want to move, then drag it to the menu icon. The navigation menu will pop open and you can then drop the item on the list you want to add your item to.

Please note: This does not work in other views yet. For now, if the fields in the list you're moving the item to do not match the list you're moving from, there may be some data loss. You can retrieve lost data by searching for the item in the archive. Alternatively, use one of the other item moving methods to match the fields first, then use this method for future moves to that list. 

You can also move the item using the quick actions menu. Click on the "..." icon that appears on the item when you hover over it. Click "Move to list" and then choose how you want to map the fields. You can do the same from the item actions menu (shown when the item is open).

Moving items on a mobile device

To move items on a mobile device open the item details and click the "..." icon in the top right corner. Choose "Move to list" and go through the same steps as described above. 

Map fields

Make sure to map the fields correctly by choosing which field should copy to which in the new list.


To change the field map, just click on the name of the field you'd like to switch, then choose another field, or "None".

Future moves to that same list will ask only for confirmation - the map you set in the previous move will remain the same. 

Changing the field mapping

You can change the field mapping any time you want by initiating a move or copy.

From there you can pick the fields you want to map to, then click Move Task or Copy Task. The new fields you've picked will then be saved and used the next time you move or copy an item.