Topic chats are the chats related to a specific task (or item, note, customer..) in any other chat. Topic chats are extremely helpful for keeping your conversation relevant to the topic, and to keep that conversation directly connected to the task too!

Create a topic chat

To create a topic chat, simply click or tap to open any task, then use the text input box to start chatting about it! Topic chats will also be created if you add comments to tasks from inside other connected Zenkit products (e.g. chatting about / commenting on an item in Base). 

View a topic chat

If a task is being discussed in another chat you're in (e.g. a group or project chat), and your notifications allow it, then you will see a short snippet of the message sent about the topic in the main chat. You can tap or click on this snippet to open the task and view the topic chat.

Alternatively, you can open the task from the task list in order to view the task details and see the task chat.

See a topic chat in the navigation panel

By default, topic chats remain somewhat hidden - you have to open the task to see the topic chat. However, sometimes it can be very helpful to have a current topic appear in the navigation panel so you can access it easily whenever you need to chat.

If you want to have a topic chat appear on the navigation panel, simply open the task then tap or click the star icon in the top right corner. 

The topic chat will appear with the name of the chat that it was created in, then the topic name underneath. It will also be marked with a yellow star.

Remove a topic chat from the navigation panel

To remove the topic chat from the navigation panel while the topic chat is open, tap or click the chat name, then "Remove". Alternatively, right click on the topic chat in the navigation panel and choose "Remove". On your mobile device, swipe right on the topic chat name, tap the ... button, then choose "Remove".

Topic chat settings

To view the topic chat settings, tap or click on the topic chat name while the chat is open. You'll find a short list of settings available to you.

Files Shows all files shared in the chat. Note that this is not the same as the files attached to the task you're chatting about.

Search Allows you to search through all messages sent in the chat

Open Main Chat Will open the chat in which the task you're chatting about was created.

Notifications This simply allows you to mute or unmute notifications from the topic chat.

Message Filter Choose whether to see updates within the topic chat about comments on subtasks or changes to subtasks

Remove As above, this option allows you to remove the topic chat from your navigation panel.