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Zenkit supports offline access to your lists via the web app, mobile apps and desktop apps. So now you can use Zenkit in the office, on the plane, or on your daily commute without worrying if you need a good Wi-Fi signal to work!

How it works

You can download Zenkit lists to best suit your needs. Either on a per-list basis or you can enable automatic synchronization in your profile settings. If this option is enabled, when you open a list in the Zenkit app or in your browser, it will download your list data and save it locally on your device.

The first time you open a list, it downloads everything, but the next time you open it, it only downloads or 'syncs' changes and additions to your list, not the whole thing again (phew!).

Once a list has been saved locally, you can access everything in it, make changes, archive items, whatever you like! These changes are all saved in the local copy of your list, and as soon as you reconnect to the internet, they are synchronized with the main Zenkit server. This means that whether you access Zenkit via your phone or the internet, it will stay perfectly synchronized. However, only lists downloaded on the same device will be available. For example, lists saved on your cell phone cannot be accessed from your computer unless you have also downloaded them there.

How to recognize if you have offline access

When you open a list, you will see a circle with an arrow next to the list's name. This symbol shows you the status of your list.

- A green arrow indicates that the list is available offline.

- If the symbol flashes between black and green, it indicates that the list is being synchronized. 

- A red arrow means that the list is unavailable offline because an error occurred while synchronizing the offline storage with the Zenkit server.

- No arrow means that the list is not available offline.

Offline access settings

To access the offline access settings on the device you are on, scroll to the Offline access section within the profile settings.

It shows you which device you are on, how much offline data is stored on your device and offers you two further options:

If you want to delete all Zenkit data stored on your device, click on “Delete X downloaded lists”. This will only delete offline data on the device you are currently using, not on any other device you have used to access Zenkit. Logging out will also delete the offline storage.

To make your lists available offline after deleting your offline storage, please open them again to initiate synchronization.

With the Autosync toggle switch, you can choose whether or not you want to automatically download lists that you open to your current device. To deactivate automatic synchronization, click the toggle switch to the Off position (grey). 

Note: Deactivating automatic synchronization means that lists that you create or open for the first time will not be available offline. If you want some selected lists to be available offline, please make sure that you activate offline access for these lists manually

Activating synchronization for a list

To activate or reactivate synchronization for a list, open the collection options by clicking on the name of the list and then click on the “Download” button in the left sidebar.

Deactivating synchronization for a list

To deactivate offline synchronization for a list, open the list settings and deactivate the “Download” toggle switch.