By using the text output field, it is possible to add images, videos and links to your forms. With various short commands and formatting with Markdown, this can be done very quickly and easily. In this article, you will learn how.

To add a text output field, click on "+ Add new form control" on the corresponding form page and select the text output field.


By clicking on the Link button, you can add a link to your text. Once you click on it, this small pop-up window appears:

In case you have selected text before clicking the Link button, the selected text will be inserted into the !Link Name! bar. If you have not highlighted any text before clicking the button, you can add your link text here. Finally, you can simply add the link to the Link Address bar.


Inserting images works in the same way as inserting links.

External links and videos

Videos, posts and other external links can be inserted using the button directly to the right of the image icon. To do this, copy the links and paste them into the field provided. 

You can also implement a link to other items and forms with the help of the text output. Select either "Items" or "Form" from the drop-down menu.