The widgets available for the Dashboard are divided into different categories: lists, calendars and utilities. The last category of our widgets is utilities.

In the utilities section, you will find sticky notes as well as a rich text widget. They can be added by simply clicking on them.

After having clicked on your desired widget format, you will be guided back to your dashboard. To make any changes to the sticky notes or the rich text widget, simply hover over them. A tiny menu will appear in the top right corner. 

For the sticky notes, you will be able to individualize the background colour as well as the text colour. The little navigation cross below the menu will make it possible for you to move the sticky note wherever you want it to be. 

In the bottom right corner, you will see a little arrow symbol. Click on it, hold it and drag the note to the size you desire. The tiny bin symbol will delete the sticky note when clicked.

The rich text widget will come with a tiny bin symbol in the top right corner as well that will delete the widget when clicking on it. To write something in the rich text widget, simply click the pencil symbol.

Using the "Actions" widget, you can include forms and links directly on your dashboard. So you don't even have to leave it to find a specific link or collect important information in a form.

To decide whether the action you want to add is a link or a form, click "Add action". Then select the one you want.

Give the button a your desired name. The widget will then show when the last action was performed. With a simple click on the widget, you can then fill out the form from your dashboard.