The activity feed shows you who has made changes to which tasks or fields, what those changes are, and when they were made. Comments about tasks or projects are also displayed.

You can view activities at three levels - per task, project or for your entire account. 

To view global activities for your entire account, click the activity icon within the side panel on the left.

Your list's activities can be accessed via the list settings. To get there just click the name of an opened list and choose "Activities" on the left of the screen. An Item's or Task's activities can be viewed within the detail view of an item. Scroll to the very bottom and select "Activities". 

Within the panel, activities are again divided into "Activities", "Comments" and "Changes". 

  • Activities: This section displays all actions that have been carried out in lists or projects, such as creating or editing tasks. It offers a comprehensive overview of all relevant activities within your project.

  • Comments: Here, you'll find all comments added by team members to specific tasks or projects. Comments are not only a communication tool but can also be directly edited or replied to, facilitating dialogue within the team.

  • Changes: This category shows detailed information on any modifications made to tasks or projects. It's particularly useful because you can comment on changes or copy them to your clipboard. Smaller changes can even be undone.