Applicable plans
  • Free
  • Plus
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Once you have added your first projects, tasks, and folders to Zenkit Projects, you can track the progress of your projects on the Home screen, as well as view all tasks for the day or week, or your tasks for the day or week.

The progress of each task is shown in both percentages and fractions, so you know exactly where and how many tasks are still open.

By clicking on one of the circles, you can open a list of tasks to get a better overview. The tasks are divided into your projects and can be found quickly using the filter function.

To edit or remove the filters, move your mouse over the respective column and click the "x".

Clicking on a task will open the task details and allow you to customize and comment on the task. Clicking on the blue fields containing the project names will take you to the corresponding project.

  • My Day shows you all the tasks you are assigned that are due on the current day. Tasks whose due date has already passed are also displayed here.
  • My week shows you all tasks that are due in the current week and are assigned to you. here, tasks with exceeded due dates are also displayed.
  • My tasks show you all the tasks you are assigned to.
  • Today shows you all tasks of your projects which are due or overdue today. Independent of the member to whom the task is assigned.
  • This week shows you all tasks that are due this week, in addition to the overdue ones and independent of the assigned member.
  • All Tasks shows you, as the name suggests, all tasks of all projects.

All categories show you the tasks across projects.

Below the circles, the projects are displayed in the form of bars. You can see the progress of your individual projects by looking at the bars and access them with one click. Click on the grey bar to go to the project or the "..." icon which appears when you hover the mouse over the project to open the project settings. You can access tasks of a certain phase of a project by clicking on the section inside the colored bar. (e.g. green to show all completed tasks in HR).

For a large number of projects, it can be very helpful to customize the sorting. To do this, click on the arrow icon and choose by which sort order you want your projects to be displayed.

Select whether to aggregate by count or workload by clicking on the "#" icon.