As more and more notebooks can accumulate over time, which have been created on a wide variety of topics, it can be very helpful to sort them into folders. 

You can create a folder in a similar way to creating a new notebook. To do this, either click on "Create folder" in an 'open' panel. 

Then simply enter the desired title of the folder.

The new folder will then appear within the side panel as well as on your Hypernotes home screen. You can rearrange your notebooks into the folder by using drag & drop.

In case you change your mind about the name of your folder or want to delete it entirely, you can click its name on the home screen as well as the navigation panel. 

To rename your folder, click "Rename" and type in your desired folder name. If you are planning on deleting the folder, simply click delete and confirm the deletion in the field that then appears.

Please note: Deleting folders can not be undone.